Posts in Astrology
Eclipse Season: A Mythological and Astrological Journey (Copy)

Eclipses have long been seen as powerful omens in cultures worldwide, symbolizing death, change, or divine displeasure. In ancient Greece and Rome, eclipses were interpreted as signs of the gods' anger, leading to rituals aimed at appeasing them. Chinese legends depicted eclipses as celestial dragons devouring the sun or moon, prompting loud rituals to restore balance. Indigenous cultures viewed eclipses as times of spiritual significance, performing rituals to honor ancestors or protect celestial bodies. In modern spirituality, eclipses are seen as moments for transformation and reflection, highlighting the cyclical nature of life and the interplay of light and darkness.

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Lunar Eclipse Full Worm Moon in Libra

On Monday, March 25th, a Full Moon in Libra, coupled with a penumbral lunar eclipse, ushers in potent energy for transformation and emotional reflection. This eclipse acts as a turbocharged full Moon, bringing unresolved issues and memories to the surface, offering an opportunity for healing and release. Libra’s influence encourages us to seek balance, harmony, and deeper connections in our relationships while also emphasizing the need for compassionate self-reflection. Engaging with the eclipse’s energy, especially with Pluto's involvement, pushes us to confront past wounds, reclaim our personal power, and align with our authentic selves, setting the stage for profound growth and renewal.

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New Moon in Pisces

As March unfolds, we are greeted by a unique New Moon in Pisces on March 10th, serving as a powerful catalyst for spiritual exploration and growth. This New Moon, coinciding with Mercury's entry into Aries and Venus entering Pisces, marks the final lunar initiation of Pisces season and the beginning of a new astrological cycle. The energy of this lunation invites deep introspection and the setting of intentions for the future. As Venus heightens romantic feelings and Uranus introduces unexpected shifts, it's essential to remain grounded and mindful, aligning with our truest selves to manifest a future of authenticity and fulfillment.

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Full Snow Moon in Virgo

As the Full Snow Moon in Virgo rises on February 24th, it signals a time of introspection and transformation, marking the end of winter and the quiet anticipation of spring. Nestled in the analytical sign of Virgo, this moon encourages us to embrace clarity, organization, and practical steps toward our goals. The dynamic interplay between Virgo's grounded energy and Pisces' imaginative flow invites us to balance our dreams with purposeful action. Amidst the serenity of winter, this lunar event serves as a beacon of potential, guiding us to harness change with grace and intention as we prepare for the renewal that spring will bring.

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New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th offers a powerful moment for introspection and transformation. Aligned with Saturn, it urges us to deeply commit to our soul’s essence, challenging us to honor our authentic truths beyond societal expectations. As we navigate the tension between old patterns and new paradigms, this New Moon encourages us to envision life beyond limitations and to align with our true selves, fostering both personal and collective growth. The key is to embrace change, prioritize authenticity, and remain true to our deepest desires, allowing this lunar event to guide us toward a more authentic and fulfilling path.

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Full Wolf Moon in Leo

As we welcome the first full moon of 2024, the Wolf Moon on January 25 serves as a celestial canvas for setting intentions and clarifying goals for the year ahead. Peaking at 12:54 p.m. EST in the heart-centered sign of Leo, this full moon encourages us to harness Leo's playful, outgoing energy while balancing it with responsibility and compassion. Spiritually, it prompts us to embrace self-love, authenticity, and the courage to step outside our comfort zones as we embark on a new journey.

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Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto's entry into Aquarius marks the beginning of a transformative era, following its 15-year journey through Capricorn. Known as the powerhouse of transformation in astrology, Pluto's influence in Aquarius is set to revolutionize societal structures, technology, and collective progress over the next two decades. While those with prominent Aquarius placements may feel its effects more intensely, everyone will experience this cosmic shift. This period promises groundbreaking advancements and a reimagining of our shared future, urging us to embrace change and envision a new era of innovation and collective evolution.

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New Moon in Capricorn

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024, invites us to set intentions with a pragmatic approach, focusing on long-term goals and structure. The square with the north node in Aries may highlight areas of stagnation, urging us to initiate necessary changes. Aligning with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, this lunation encourages breaking free from outdated patterns and embracing new approaches. Use this time to lay a solid foundation for the year, prioritizing your soul’s path and embracing the growth that comes with transformation.

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Full Cold Moon

The final Full Moon of 2023, the Cold Moon in Cancer on December 26th, illuminates the winter sky with a silvery glow, emphasizing themes of home, family, and inner emotions. In the midst of Capricorn Season and Mercury’s retrograde, this lunar event encourages a balance between emotional depth and practical considerations. The Full Moon invites introspection, urging us to harmonize our emotional realm with the grounding influence of Capricorn and reassess our communications and connections. Embrace the Cold Moon's stillness to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new one, finding equilibrium between heart and responsibility.

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Mercury in Retrograde : The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Guess who’s back? It’s Mercury in Retrograde, that cosmic trickster making its appearance every few months and stirring up our lives. Occurring three to four times a year for about three weeks each time, this phenomenon happens when Mercury appears to move backward from our perspective due to differences in planetary orbits. Astrologically, it’s linked to communication, technology, and travel disruptions, prompting us to slow down and reassess. While some view it as a time of cosmic challenge, others see it as an opportunity for reflection and gaining deeper insights into our lives.

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New Moon in Sagittarius : Choose Your Own Adventure

Tuesday, December 12th, unveils the New Moon in Sagittarius, offering a wave of optimism and change for 2024. With Mars and Neptune in dynamic alignment, this lunar event inspires bold action and grounded exploration. However, Mercury's retrograde in Capricorn, beginning the following day, suggests a need for careful reflection in practical matters. As we set intentions under the influence of Jupiter, let’s embrace this New Moon’s call to dream bigger, release limiting beliefs, and align with our true potential for the year ahead.

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Full Moon in Gemini : Balance and Introspection

The Beaver Full Moon in Gemini, occurring during Sagittarius Season, blends introspection with growth, encouraging a balance between self-awareness and exploration. Known as the Frost Moon, it signifies beavers preparing for winter and the seasonal shift to colder temperatures, reflecting nature's cycles. This Full Moon invites us to integrate the dual aspects of Gemini's spontaneity and Sagittarius' optimism, promoting thoughtful change while enjoying life's lighter moments. Embrace the communicative and social energy, using it to connect with others and share your feelings, as this lunar phase offers a chance for joyful, harmonious growth amidst a year of intensity.

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New Moon in Scorpio : Alchemizing the Shadow

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13, 2023, ushers in a potent period of transformation. As the Moon and Sun align in Scorpio, this dark lunar phase invites deep introspection and personal renewal. Scorpio's mysterious and intuitive nature harmonizes with the New Moon's fertile void, encouraging us to explore hidden truths and confront our shadows. This phase is an opportunity to meditate on our inner depths, shedding old patterns and embracing the transformative power of self-discovery.

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Full Blood Moon

October 2023 has been defined by striking celestial events, starting with the eerie Friday the 13th, followed by the captivating Ring of Fire solar eclipse on the 14th. This eclipse invited us to embrace change and new beginnings, illuminating hidden truths. The month concludes with the Full Blood Hunter’s Moon on October 28th, a powerful lunar event in Taurus that urges deep emotional reflection and balance. Accompanied by a partial lunar eclipse, it calls for releasing old baggage and aligning with our higher selves.

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Ring of Fire Eclipse

On October 14th, the skies will feature a striking New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra, famously known as the 'ring of fire' eclipse. This annular event, visible from the northwestern US to Central America and Brazil, offers a rare celestial display where the moon creates a stunning ring around the sun. Eclipses like this symbolize new beginnings and changes, urging us to confront endings and reevaluate our desires, particularly in relationships. The New Moon in Libra highlights personal growth through balance and harmony, making it an ideal time to set intentions for improved partnerships and effective communication.

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Harvest Super Moon in Aries

As we approach the last Supermoon of 2023, the Harvest Full Moon in Aries invites us to navigate the tension between personal ambition and relational harmony. Aries' fiery drive for success clashes with Libra's call for balance in relationships, creating a cosmic tug-of-war between self-focus and connection. Mars in Libra adds a layer of complexity, urging us to weigh our personal desires against our responsibilities to others. With asteroids like Pallas advocating for justice and Vesta promoting nurturing, this Full Moon challenges us to find a dynamic equilibrium between our goals and the needs of those around us.

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New Moon in Virgo

This New Moon marks a period of renewal, urging us to embrace new beginnings with Virgo’s meticulous energy. It invites profound introspection and emphasizes self-compassion, encouraging us to refine our routines and treat ourselves with kindness. As we balance our current selves with our aspirations, Virgo reminds us that growth should come with self-acceptance, challenging the standards of perfectionism and self-criticism. This lunar event prompts us to dismantle self-imposed conditions for worthiness and recognize our inherent value.

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Pisces Super Blue Moon

The Blue Super Moon on August 30-31st invites a period of heightened sensitivity, occurring in the imaginative sign of Pisces. This rare event, where two full moons appear within a single calendar month, offers a unique opportunity for deep reflection and connection. The alignment with Saturn brings a blend of dreamy Pisces energy and pragmatic structure, suggesting a time to bring long-held aspirations into reality with practical steps. As Virgo Season begins, this Blue Moon encourages spiritual exploration and introspection, urging us to align our visions with actionable goals while reconnecting with our intuitive and mystical selves.

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