Full Wolf Moon in Leo

As we welcome the first full moon of 2024, the Wolf Moon on January 25 serves as a celestial canvas for setting intentions and clarifying goals for the year ahead. In astrology, full moons signify a culmination—a moment of clarity when emotions are heightened, providing insights into our paths.

Traditionally known as the Wolf Moon, its name is believed to originate from the howling of wolves during their active winter months. In various indigenous cultures, it's also referred to as the "frost exploding moon" and "center moon."

Peaking at 12:54 p.m. EST in the heart-centered sign of Leo, this Wolf Moon encourages us to harness the playful, outgoing energy of this sun-ruled fire sign. Challenging us to release repressed fears and insecurities, it invites a celebration of relationships, prioritizing creative endeavors, and nurturing our inner child. Leo's fiery enthusiasm should be balanced with responsibility and consideration for others.

Leo's association with the ego and heart brings forth themes of compassion, generosity, empowerment, selfishness, and greed. Past events from the Leo New Moon in the previous year may come full circle, impacting creativity and self-expression.

To align with this energy, delve into your desires and be open to making changes that infuse more joy, passion, and happiness into your relationships, professional life, and daily routines. It's a call to prioritize your well-being over constantly pleasing others.

In the heart of winter, the Wolf Moon arrives, urging us into stillness and deep self-reflection. Symbolizing the strength and intuition of wolves, it encourages a connection with nature and the embrace of our inner wisdom.

Peaking in Leo, the Wolf Moon of January 2024 emphasizes themes of self-love and self-validation. It's a time for boldness, playfulness, creativity, and self-expression. Spiritually, this lunar event prompts us to live authentically, fostering the courage to try new things and step outside our comfort zones as we embark on a new 12-month journey.


New Moon in Aquarius


Modern Heyoka Medicine: Comedy, Disruption, and Cultural Evolution