Astrology | Goddesses | Mythology | Spirituality | THOUGHTS
New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon on September 2, 2024, in Virgo emphasizes a fresh start grounded in practicality and self-improvement. Astrologically, this New Moon encourages us to focus on refining our habits, organizing our lives, and setting realistic goals. With Virgo’s earthy energy, it’s a time to embrace meticulousness and detail, bringing order and efficiency to our routines. Spiritually, this New Moon invites introspection and the release of what no longer serves us. It’s about finding beauty in the simplicity of everyday tasks and connecting with the natural rhythms of life. This New Moon offers a blend of practical action and spiritual growth, urging us to create meaningful change in small, deliberate steps.
Pisces Super Blue Moon
The Blue Super Moon on August 30-31st invites a period of heightened sensitivity, occurring in the imaginative sign of Pisces. This rare event, where two full moons appear within a single calendar month, offers a unique opportunity for deep reflection and connection. The alignment with Saturn brings a blend of dreamy Pisces energy and pragmatic structure, suggesting a time to bring long-held aspirations into reality with practical steps. As Virgo Season begins, this Blue Moon encourages spiritual exploration and introspection, urging us to align our visions with actionable goals while reconnecting with our intuitive and mystical selves.
The constellation Virgo, often associated with modern ideas of virginity is historical and mythological significant. Originally, Virgo’s symbolism was not about modesty but about independence and wisdom. This evolution from the ancient Sumerian goddess Nisaba, linked to writing and harvest, to the Mesopotamian deity Ishtar, representing fertility and love, highlights Virgo’s deep connection to themes of creation, balance, and transformation. Furthermore, Virgo’s ties to Demeter and Persephone reflect its association with agriculture, fertility, and the cycles of life and death, showcasing a multidimensional identity that transcends contemporary interpretations.