Posts tagged Capricorn Moon
Full Super Blue Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius

August's Full Supermoon in Aquarius is a powerful catalyst for change, marking the second Supermoon in a row and a rare Blue Moon. As we navigate this profound transitional time, the Supermoon amplifies emotions and reveals hidden truths, urging us to break free from outdated norms and embrace innovation. With the influence of Aquarius, this Full Moon challenges us to envision new possibilities and take bold steps toward a more equitable and sustainable future. As we move from the vibrant energy of Leo into the practical influence of Virgo, it's time to ground these visionary ideas into tangible reality, trusting that the shifts we experience are guiding us toward a more authentic path.

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Full Buck Moon in Capricorn

As the Full Buck Moon rises in Capricorn on July 21, 2024, it offers a powerful moment of reflection, celebrating our growth and accomplishments. This rare second Full Moon in Capricorn amplifies the disciplined energy of this sign, urging us to focus on long-term goals with determination and structure. While Capricorn’s steady influence helps us stay grounded and productive, the Full Moon’s conjunction with Pluto and sextile to Neptune invites deep emotional healing and spiritual insight. Embrace this time to balance ambition with self-care, reconnect with your true purpose, and harness the dynamic energies at play to manifest your highest potential.

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