Full Super Blue Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius

August’s Full Supermoon is not just any full moon—it’s the second Supermoon in a row, lighting up the sky in Aquarius on the 19th. Adding to its potency, this is also a Blue Moon, the third of four full moons this season—a rare occurrence that intensifies the lunar energy. As the last Supermoon before we head into Eclipse Season, this moon brings profound shifts in energy, both personally and for the collective, setting the stage for significant transitions as we move into the latter half of the year. Full Moons are already known for heightening emotions and revealing hidden truths, but the Supermoon effect amplifies everything, making the energies more intense and the insights more urgent.

Globally and spiritually, we’re navigating a time of profound transformation, and the energy of Aquarius aligns seamlessly with these shifts. Aquarius challenges us to break free from outdated norms, encouraging innovation and the embrace of change. As the collective consciousness expands, there’s a growing awareness of our global interconnectedness, the urgency of social responsibility, and the need for systemic change. However, these transformations require a shift in consciousness—a move from what’s plausible to what’s possible. Aquarius pushes us beyond the constraints of our current understanding and into the realm of imagination and potential. This is a time to envision what could be, rather than just accepting what is.

But as we navigate these changes, it’s crucial to remain discerning and cautious. The allure of easy answers and charismatic leaders promising hope can be tempting, but remember that those who benefit most from keeping the collective complacent, divided, and easily manipulated are often the ones with their own power and interests at heart. Now, more than ever, with the combined energies of Leo and Aquarius, it’s a powerful time to stand firm in your convictions. However, make sure those convictions truly reflect your own beliefs, not just what’s been spoon-fed to you by social media, ideologues, or those in power. Real change doesn’t come from blindly following; it comes from personal responsibility, honest self-reflection, and the willingness to do the hard work of challenging both ourselves and the status quo. In this moment of profound transition, let’s ensure that our actions and beliefs are authentically our own, rooted in truth and a genuine desire for collective growth and well-being.

This Full Moon reflects these themes, urging us to examine our roles within the larger community and consider how we can contribute to a more equitable, sustainable world. Aquarius, often linked with humanitarianism, technology, and progressive thought, makes this Full Moon a powerful catalyst for those looking to make a positive impact. It calls on us to challenge the status quo, open ourselves to new ideas, and embrace ways of thinking that lead to greater freedom and equality for all.

As I’m sure many of you are already aware and feeling it, we are in a massive transitional time and have been for some time. We’re just really ramping up, which is why everything feels both more intense and weirdly liminal, because we’re in the thick of it all. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and revolutionary energy, thrives on breaking away from tradition and challenging the status quo. Under this Full Moon, you may feel a strong urge to question the structures and routines in your life that no longer serve you. This is a time for reevaluation and reformation, whether it’s in your personal life, career, or broader societal norms. The energy of Uranus can be unsettling, shaking us out of our comfort zones and pushing us toward greater freedom and innovation. This is a moon that doesn’t just illuminate—it disrupts, urging us to think differently and embrace new ways of being.

The asteroid Vesta, associated with home, hearth, and inner sacred space, also plays a role during this Full Moon. Vesta’s presence encourages a balance between the external, revolutionary energy of Aquarius and the internal need for warmth, stability, and self-care. While Aquarius pushes us to look outward and think globally, Vesta gently nudges us to turn inward, to tend to our inner world, and to find peace and stability within ourselves, even amidst external chaos.

Spiritually, this Supermoon invites us to release control and go with the flow. Life rarely adheres to our meticulously laid plans, and this Full Moon is a reminder that sometimes the most meaningful experiences come from unexpected changes. Instead of resisting the shifts, this is a time to welcome them, trusting that they’re guiding you toward a more authentic and fulfilling path, even if the destination is not yet clear.  As the light of this Supermoon illuminates the sky, it’s likely to bring clarity to situations that have been confusing or unclear. Full Moons often reveal what has been hidden, and in the innovative and forward-thinking sign of Aquarius, this could mean sudden insights or truths that challenge your previous understanding. These revelations, whether surprising or confirming what you’ve long suspected, are pushing you toward a more liberated and authentic way of living.

This Full Moon also sets the stage for the upcoming fall season, marking a transitional period as we move from the outward energy of summer into the more reflective, harvest-oriented energy of Autumn. The insights and changes brought by this Aquarius Full Moon are not just fleeting moments but are seeds being planted for deeper work that will unfold as we move toward the end of the year. The timing of this Full Moon, occurring during Leo season just before the Sun shifts into Virgo, brings a unique blend of energies. Leo’s vibrant, creative influence is still strong, urging us to express ourselves boldly and seek recognition. But as Virgo season approaches, there’s a shift toward practicality, organization, and service. This transition encourages us to take the innovative ideas sparked by the Aquarius Full Moon and start considering how to ground them, turning visionary ideas into tangible reality as Virgo’s energy begins to influence us.

As you look up at the Supermoon this August, let it inspire you to embrace change, trust the process, and move forward with a sense of curiosity and openness. It’s a time to break free from what’s holding you back and to step into the future with both courage and excitement. Aquarius teaches us that progress often requires a leap into the unknown—and that’s where true magic happens.