Full Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

As we approach the Full Harvest Moon on September 17, 2024, we find ourselves stepping into a significant moment in what has already been an intense and transitional year. This isn’t just any Full Moon—it’s a Supermoon, appearing larger, brighter, and more intense in the night sky. To add even more cosmic weight, it’s also a partial lunar eclipse—the third and final eclipse in this year’s series. This powerful combination offers us a moment for deep reflection, release, and a realignment of our spiritual selves.

2024 has been filled with intense shifts, and it feels like the universe is asking us to let go of anything that’s no longer in alignment with our highest selves. Personally, I know how difficult it can be to hold on to things that once felt comfortable but no longer serve us. It seems the universe is nudging us to release what’s outdated and step into new territory, often with a little discomfort. This discomfort can often feel like a form of ego death—a powerful dissolution of parts of our identity that no longer serve our evolution. Letting go of our old ways, old selves, or even relationships we’ve outgrown, can feel like losing an essential part of who we are. But this is the essence of transformation: stripping away the false layers of identity to make room for our truest, highest selves to emerge.

In many ways, this process feels like we’re in the chrysalis phase—a state of transformation where we’re not quite who we used to be, but not yet who we will become. This internal transformation is messy, often invisible to the outside world, and filled with moments where we feel lost or uncertain. But just as the caterpillar must dissolve to become the butterfly, we must allow ourselves to sit in that discomfort, trusting the process of rebirth.

While I’ll explore this chrysalis phase in greater depth in an upcoming blog post, this Full Moon feels deeply connected to that analogy. It reminds us of the importance of grounding ourselves and practicing gratitude, even while we embrace the discomfort of necessary changes. It’s a time to let go of what no longer aligns with our true selves and trust the process of transformation. After all, while we’re in the chrysalis, it may feel like everything is dissolving, but this is also where we rebuild into something new. The Harvest Moon invites us to reflect on what we’ve gathered throughout the year, be grateful for it, and prepare ourselves for the next phase of growth. It’s a time of endings, yes, but also a reminder that new beginnings are waiting just around the corner.

The Full Moon falls in Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, highlighting themes of spirituality, intuition, and emotional depth. Pisces thrives in the realms of dreams and the unseen, making this Full Moon an ideal time for emotional cleansing and spiritual connection. However, Virgo’s influence—grounded and practical—balances out the dreamy nature of Pisces, reminding us to take those spiritual insights and apply them to our everyday routines. This interplay ensures that while we dive deep into the mystical, we also stay tethered to reality.

Astrologically, this Full Moon’s placement within an eclipse cycle makes it even more significant. Eclipses are powerful catalysts for change, often forcing our hand in areas where we’ve resisted growth. Being the third in this cycle amplifies that energy, marking a culmination or a turning point. It’s time to release what’s no longer serving us, emotionally, spiritually, or physically, with intention. Eclipses are often fated events, guiding us to new paths or revelations that support our growth.

From a spiritual perspective, the Harvest Moon represents abundance and culmination. Traditionally, it’s a time to reflect on what we’ve gathered throughout the year—materially, emotionally, and spiritually. With the added power of a lunar eclipse, we’re asked to release what is no longer aligned with our path. Whether it’s old habits, outdated beliefs, or relationships that have reached their natural conclusion, Pisces’ boundary-dissolving energy encourages us to flow with these changes. Virgo, however, ensures that we stay grounded, reminding us that spiritual growth must integrate into our daily lives.

Supermoons heighten all these emotions and energies, making them feel more pressing. The emotional sensitivity that Pisces brings can be deeply healing, but Virgo helps us to organize these insights into practical steps, ensuring that we’re not just processing but also applying. This moon is about introspection and action—about dreaming, healing, and then making those emotional revelations tangible.

This Full Harvest Moon marks a pivotal moment of reflection and release. It’s time to evaluate what we’ve gathered—emotionally, spiritually, or materially—and decide what to keep and what to release. Whether it’s relationships, habits, or thought patterns that no longer serve their purpose, this Supermoon eclipse encourages us to let go with grace, knowing that whatever is swept away makes room for something more aligned with who we’re becoming. This is not just an act of letting go but a process of ego death and rebirth—an invitation to dissolve the old so we can step into the new with clarity, strength and purpose.